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Gearing up for Fall Ya'll.

It's only mid July and I am looking at adding Halloween and Thanksgiving designs and apparel to my shop. Keep a look out in the next week for new embroidery apparel super cute for your little gal or guy this season.

Also on another note, I am doing some minor maintenance to my sublimation Artisan 1430 Epson printer. I hope to have this done this weekend so I will be back in the swing of all things sublimation. I have some really cute and attractive designs for adults and children made with sublimation this season.

Lastly, are you gearing up for those kids to be back in school. If you are like me, I am counting down the minutes and seconds. Let me tell you what, the school year won't be back in the swing of things fast enough.

Just for those first day of school kiddos, I have some really cute embroidery tops that I will be posting to my website and Etsy shop this weekend. Super-duper cute.

Lastly, I will be posting some new birthday theme custom kids embroidery tops as well.

Here is a sneak peek as some of the upcoming designs that will be added.

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